Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become an Elk?
To be eligible for membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, you must be a citizen of the United States over the age of 21 who believes in God.
You must be sponsored by an active member of the Elks Lodge you wish to join. You also need two other Elks who will be your co-sponsors (references).
The procedure is as follows:
1. Membership applications will only be available from the Secretary on General Lodge Meeting nights. Members seeking to obtain an application for membership are expected to attend the full General Lodge Meeting, and may obtain one at the conclusion of the meeting from the Secretary directly. Members are permitted to request one (1) application at a time.
2. To propose a candidate for membership, you must attend a General Lodge Meeting. At a designated time during the meeting, you'll be asked to stand in front of the lodge, announce your name and the name of your candidate, and present the completed application along with a check for any applicable fees to the Membership Chair. Each member is permitted to propose one (1) candidate for membership during a General Lodge Meeting.
3. The candidate will be informed of the date/time of the next Investigation (interview). It is the duty of the Investigating Committee to determine residency. If the candidate has no permanent address or immediate family member in Brigantine, it is likely that candidate will be instructed to join their local lodge, as per one of the questions on the membership application asking: "have you been a bona fide resident within the jurisdiction of this Lodge immediately preceding the date of this application?"
4. Names of candidates that have been recommended by the Investigation Committee will be published for the membership to review in advance of a vote at a General Lodge Meeting. A candidate must receive a majority of affirmative votes in order to proceed to initiation in to the Lodge. Shortly thereafter, those candidates who will be moving forward will be notified of the date/time of the next Initiation Ceremony. During this ceremony, new members will learn more about the Order's programs and charities.
Please note that the timeline for the above steps may be several months due the Lodge calendar and the candidate's own personal schedule.
After being initiated into the Order, a member may take part in all meetings and social functions of the Lodge, as well as visit any other Elks Lodge in the country. Also, you are able to propose others as candidates for membership to the Brigantine Lodge or any other Elks Lodge.
These rules are not meant to slow down or discourage new membership. On the contrary, we have a responsibility to initiate new members that believe in volunteerism, helping veterans, special needs, drug awareness, promoting Americanism, and want to help our community at large. Please nominate people who hold these values close at heart, and we will continue to lead this great lodge in the direction that our founder Harry McGarrigel envisioned.
*If for any reason your application is rejected, you cannot make application for membership for six months from the date of rejection.
How can I volunteer? Do I need to be a member to volunteer?
You do not need to be a member in order to volunteer with us. We welcome anyone that would like to give their time to help others. Here is how to get in touch with various committee chairs to volunteer:
Exalted Ruler Mark Virgilio: mvirgilio99@yahoo.com
Leading Knight Joseph O'Connell: joeeyo@gmail.com
Loyal Knight Howie McElhenny: howard.mcelhenny@gmail.com
Lecturing Knight Brent Mansfield: brent00mansfield@gmail.com
Secretary Jeanne DiCecco: jjdicecco@comcast.net
House Committee Kristin Sullivan: sullivank5508@gmail.com
Veterans Committee Karen Geller: karriegeller@comcast.net
Special Needs Children Donna Fulmer: gober0@hotmail.com
Membership Karol Anderson: karol.j.a@hotmail.com
Board of Directors Art Conover: artconover@gmail.com
501c3 Joseph Venditti: 2jvenditti@gmail.com
Drug Awareness Michael McNally: michaelmcnally45@gmail.com
Americanism Juli Vitello: julivitello54@gmail.com
Communications David Weiner: info@brigantineelks.com
Operations Manager Michael McNally: michaelmcnally45@gmail.com
For volunteer opportunities, please look out for requests in the regular email updates or posted on social media (Facebook & Instagram). You can also get information on volunteering from the sign-up boards in the lounge and at the General Lodge Meetings.
I am a boat slip holder and would like to earn volunteer hours by assisting around the Lodge. Who do I contact?
In order to keep your boat slip you must volunteer at least 25 hours per year, 15 for wait list folks. There are many ways to earn volunteer hours. Dennis Reilly is our Lodge Volunteerism Chairperson. Dennis will be able to let you know how to volunteer. Contact Dennis by sending him an email at recognition_initiatives@comcast.net
How do I transfer my Elk membership from another Lodge to Brigantine Lodge?
To start the transfer (Demit) process, contact your current Lodge Secretary. That person will reach out to the Brigantine Lodge Secretary to begin the Demit process to Brigantine Elks Lodge 2428. If you have further questions regarding a Demit to the Brigantine Lodge, please send an email to Lodge Secretary Jeanne DiCecco at jjdicecco@comcast.net